Performances and Theatre in October

Picture credits: Öncü Hrant Gültekin,



September 23 until October 13


Werk 2 & Schaubühne Leipzig

“The individuals in the midst of the many, the combination of dance and painting, more from less, happiness in sorrow. All of this is dance, all of which is evident at the Leipzig Dance Theater Weeks […].

From September 23 to October 13, 2022, the choreographers and dancers of the Leipzig Dance Theatre will explore the diverse range of topics in and with dance and open up completely new perspectives for their audience. The stages of Werk 2 and the Schaubühne Lindenfels are used. Tickets for the performances are available directly from the venues in advance or at the box office.”


FAIRY TALES FESTIVAL – 31st Festival for Figure, Object and Other Theatre

October 12 until November 12

Theatre festival

Various locations

“The family and holiday program offers a selection of five original fairy tale adaptations based on the Brothers Grimm in unconventional ways. All of the pieces are not aimed at a narrowly defined age group.“

“The FAIRY TALE FESTIVAL invites theater fans of all ages: adult connoisseurs and freaks, groups of children from schools, after-school care centers and day-care centers to the numerous interesting offers in the various venues.“

Exhibitions in September

Picture credits: Alexandra Ivanciu,


Meehye Lee: I Do What You Do What They Do

Ongoing exhibition

Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig

„The influence of social media on our daily life and behaviour is enormous. Posts and feeds continuously convey news and produce a constant stream of (self-)representations. The struggle for attention is huge, accompanied by a growing compulsion to keep up with others and a fear of missing out (FOMO). Meehye Lee, based in South Korea, has been exploring the influence of social media on communication and consumer culture since the 2010s. […] Lee’s work demonstrates that the popularity of certain places is more related to the images taken there than to their uniqueness or history. Places that offer a hip selfie background quickly become “must-visit sites”, with the selfie providing evidence of the “perfect life”.“


Glamour Studio. Contemporary Photography from the BMW Donation

Ongoing exhibition until September 18

Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig

With Glamor Studio. Contemporary photography from the BMW donation, the MdbK is showing a selection of photographs by internationally renowned artists.

The commissioned works created in the late 1990s open up lines of discourse on topics that are important today, such as locomotion, production conditions, climate change, identity and freedom. They are artistic analyzes that illuminate the aura and myth of the automobile and mobility and at the same time, almost a quarter of a century after their creation, illustrate the social change.


Fragile splendour. Masterpieces of Porcelain Art.

Ongoing exhibition

Grassi Museum of applied Arts

„Outstanding 18th- and 19th-century porcelains from our own collection are presented in this special exhibition. The most important manufactories are represented with both crockery and figurines—from the Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, and Biedermeier periods. The focus is on porcelain from the Thuringian manufactories of Gera, Gotha, Limbach, Kloster Veilsdorf, Volkstedt, and Wallendorf, as well as early porcelain from Meissen—the first manufactory of its kind in Europe. Significant donations from recent years complete the presentation.“



Events in August 2022

Picture credits: Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig/Luca Migliore;


Tübke Monumental – ein Hommage an Werner Tübke

Ongoing lightshow/exhibition


“With the Tübke Monumental project, Kunstkraftwerk, as the initiator and organizer, is presenting a completely new approach to one of the most important works of art in figurative painting of the 20th century, the panorama painting “Early Bourgeois Revolution in Germany” by Werner Tübke (1929–2004). For eleven years, between 1976 and 1987, the artist worked from conception to completion on the 14m×123m work, the largest painting in Central Europe. Far away from the art metropolises, this is at home in the Panorama Museum in Bad Frankenhausen.”

The exhibition The Mystery of Bansky – a Genius Mind is displayed as well at Kunstkraftwerk.


Unterm Rock. Reflections on Gender Issues

Ongoing exhibition

Museum der bildenden Künste

mostly in German

“The MdbK […] invites you to new opportunities for participation and dialogue. Together with actors from urban society, the collections, their presentation and mediation should be critically questioned: What attitudes does the museum convey? Who is helping to design the museum? How can the museum’s collection be expanded in terms of its diversity?

The aim of the project is to reflect on traditional ways of representing works of art and, based on this, to enable expanded horizons of knowledge and new experiences.”


Lady Fashion Flea Market

August 7

Flea market

agra Messepark

Various clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, perfumes, decoration – shopping lovers will find something for their own closet for sure! Culinary delicacies prettify the shopping Sunday!


Monument Open Air

August 20

Open air festival

Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig

Various DJs delight their listeners with techno and house music at the pleasant location at the Völkerschlachtdenkmal.

Tickets should be bought in advance.

Festivals in July 2022

Wine Festival

June 29 to July 10, 2022


Market square

“Once a year, the market square is transformed into a meeting place for wine lovers and connoisseurs. Wine stands from traditional-rustic to contemporary-modern, many run by the winegrowing families themselves, invite you to try, get information and have fun.

In addition to the large number of wines and sparkling wines that are so typical but also experimentally atypical for the respective slope, location and region, the winegrowers also bring grape juices, grape liqueur, wine vinegar, wine accessories and much more with them.”


Bülowstraßen Music Festival

July 9, 2022

Street festival


Various street musicians and bands entertain the eastern part of Leipzig. The street festival provides a buffet as well as an adventure playground for children.


“Klassik airleben” – open air concert with the Gewandhaus Orchestra

July 15 and 16, 2022

Open air concert


Summer temperatures, a large park and good music. These are the ingredients for a successful open air concert. The Gewandhaus Orchestra invites all music enthusiasts to the end of the concert

season in Leipzig’s Rosental. “Klassik airleben” is a gift with which the Gewandhaus Orchestra thanks its concert guests for their loyalty and heralds the summer and the break from playing.


Christopher Street Day

July 16, 2022, 11.30am – 3.30pm

Demonstration and street festival


The protest march through the city centre focuses on the current societal situation of intergender and asexual people, transgender people as well as gay and bisexual people.

11.30 am – 1.00 pm: Before the march through the inner city, a rally with various speeches takes place at Augustusplatz.

1.00 pm – 3.30 pm: After the rally, the colorful and bright demonstration starts. Please, leave alcohol and pets at home.



Events in June 2022

Bildquelle:; Highlight des Leipziger Stadtfestes: 3D-Illuminationen auf dem Markt – Foto: Andreas Schmidt


City Festival

June 3 to 5, 2022

City center

Leipzig’s city center provides multiple places filled with music and dance. Visitors can enjoy various events at the market place, Augustusplatz, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz as well as at the Nikolaikirchhof.


Silky Lights


June 10 to 12, 2022

Twelve students and graduates of the Academy of Visual Arts (HGB) present their work at the spectacular bridge loft above the river Weiße Elster. Some of the selected works evoke associations with light, shine and lightness, some show different nuances of materiality, others suggest fragility, illusion and metamorphosis.



movie screening in English and Spanish with German subtitles

NaTo Leipzig

Ever since Jessica woke up by a loud bang, she has had trouble sleeping. Again and again she hears this mysterious noise that nobody else seems to notice. She travels to Bogotá and tries to track it. Tilda Swinton and director Apichatpong Weerasethakul take the audience on an audiovisual journey and present an indescribable experience made for the cinema.


New York 9/11 – War in Times of Peace

Current exhibition

Panometer Leipzig

The path through the exhibition offers a chronological journey through the past 20 years, all the way back to 11th September 2001. Five installations start by visualising the less visible consequences of that fateful day: the suffering caused in war-torn countries in the Middle East, the huge follow-up costs of the war on terror, the fates of the refugees and witnesses, the nameless victims of torture, the hostilities and the persecution which were all a direct consequence of 9/11. At the end of the chronology, the NEW YORK 9/11 panorama shows the scene at the World Trade Center on the morning of 11th September 2001 at 08:41, five minutes before the attacks took place.

Exhibitions in May 2022

Bildquelle: (Stadt Leipzig)


Museum Night Halle & Leipzig

May 7th, 2022

Please notice: Tickets are only available online and in advance!

After pausing for two years 82 museums and galleries in Leipzig and Halle invite to see their exhibitions. Under year’s motto “experience diversity” visitors can visit various locations between 6pm to 12am.


Distant devides. Zwischen Libanon und Deutschland.

(Between Lebanon and Germany)

Current exhibition

Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei / Halle14

“Lebanon and Germany share histories of internal East and West divides. Beirut’s Green Line separated the Muslim and Christian communities during the country’s 15 years of Civil War whilst the Berlin Wall divided the city into two ideologically contrasting zones. Despite these divisions, and in some cases because of them, a number of artists crossed from one land to another. […] Distant Divides is a long-term research project that explores the artistic exchange between Lebanon and Germany. The research starts in 1960, the year before the building of the Berlin Wall, and the outset of the ‘Golden Age’ in Beirut, which saw a flourish of cultural activity in the country.”


Jewelry + image

Current exhibition

GRASSI Museum of Applied Art

“Almost unnoticed, a collection of contemporary jewelry has grown in the museum over the last decades, which is now coming into the public eye. The objects attest to the gradual emancipation of jewelry design as an autonomous form of artistic expression. […] Thus, it is only logical to understand people and jewelry as a unity, and to photograph them with ‘their’ piece of jewelry. Personalities who are connected to the museum in various ways are ‘adorned’ and brought into the frame by aspiring and established photographers. In the exhibition, the pieces of jewelry correspond with the photographic works, making possible a deeper and more mutual perception.”


Chinese film festival Leipzig

May 25-May 28


The 9th time of the Chinese film festival presents various movies made by Chinese as well as international film makers portraying the Chinese world. Documentaries, short and feature movies show diverse facets of the culture and culture between tradition and modernity.

Exhibitions in April 2022

Wolfgang Mattheuer, Hinter den sieben Bergen, 1973, VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2022


Leipzig: A Universe of Images. 1905-2022

Current exhibition

Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig

“The exhibition Leipzig: A Universe of Images. 1905-2022 presents more than 200 works, some well-known and others still unknown. […] Visitors are guided through the development of modern art in Leipzig over the last century up to the present day on the almost complete area of the third floor. […] From expressive painting strategies or sober-looking fine painting to abstract and ironic-naïve attitudes of contemporary art, visitors can experience the diversity of Leipzig art in the exhibition.”


Unter dem Radar. Originalgrafische Kunstplakate aus Ostdeutschland seit 1975

(Below the radar. Original-graphic art posters from East Germany since 1975)

Current exhibition until April, 18 2022

Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig

“Based on around 100 original graphic art posters from the collection of the Galerie am Sachsenplatz, supplemented by other items on loan, the museum gives an insight into countercultural initiatives and free spaces of art in East Germany. On the one hand, the show focuses on artists who were mainly active in printmaking in the GDR. These include Angela Hampel, Michael Morgner, Max Uhlig and the Clara Mosch group. On the other hand, the posters present less well-known art locations and the lively, non-state-controlled exhibition system in East Germany from Ahrenshoop to Zwickau.”


Offener Prozess

(Open Process – title is linked to the reappraisal of the NSU complex)

Current exhibition

Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig

“The exhibition “Offener Prozess” addresses the question of the NSU complex. Taking East German reality, particularly in Saxony, as its starting point, it tells a story of the NSU complex that begins with migration histories and continual right-wing and racist violence, along with the resistance shown against it. It uses a “living memory” approach, which brings marginalised perspectives into focus. It also examines structural and institutional racism.”


Leipzig 1813

Current exhibition

Panometer Leipzig

“On a 3,500 square-metre surface, the scenery of Leipzig unfolds in the direct aftermath of the Battle of the Nations in 1813.

From the roof of St. Thomas’ Church, the visitor follows the events from the perspective of the beset citizens. A total of 600,000 soldiers from all across Europe fought for four days until Napoleon’s campaigns of conquest on the continent were finally brought to an end. Leipzig is directly affected as the Panorama conveys in striking images. The streets are crowded with throngs of citizens, soldiers, those who fled and are stranded.”



Events in March 2022

Please bring your FFP2-mask to any event and download the Corona-Warn-App.


Romeo and Juliet


March 4, 7.30pm                  March 10, 7.30pm

March 18, 7.30pm                March 26, 7.30pm

“Romeo and Juliet’s love story belongs to the world. The tale of these star-crossed young lovers never fails to touch and inspire audiences and artists alike. Here, Mirko Mahr, director of the ballet of the Musikalische Komödie, retells this mythic tale with younger audiences in mind.”


Flea Market

Alte Messe Leipzig

March 6, starting 8am

The famous flee market opens its doors for the first time this year. Various antiques, furniture, household items and design pieces – art lovers will find something for their own collections for sure!


Chamber Music with the Staatskapelle Dresden

Gewandhaus Leipzig

March 6, 6pm

The Staatskapelle Dresden visits the Gewandhaus to delight its visitors with chamber music. The quintet embraces a piano, two violins, a viola as well as a violoncello.


Shalom: 1700 Years – an audio play journey

Unikatum – Children’s and Youth Museum

Tue – Fri: 2pm – 6pm; Sat & Sun: 10am – 6pm

For children and teenagers

The Unikatum invites to a journey through time: At audio stations visitors can listen to children talk about living in Jewish families and communities over the period of 17 centuries!



Events in February 2022

Vernissage: Harry Hachmeister

Museum der bildenden Künste

February 2, 6pm

“The show takes the form of an ongoing construction setup, incorporating elements of a building site and a fitness studio, where Hachmeister shows ceramics, reverse glass paintings and regular paintings. The design of the exhibition space gives it the feel of a snapshot of an ongoing reconstruction, frozen in dignified stillness.”

Please bring your FFP2-mask and download the Corona-Warn-App.




February 5, 7pm

February 11, 7pm

“At the center of Edward Clug’s full-length narrative ballet created for the Ballett Zürich is the driven, doubting, selfish intellectual Faust. The musical basis for the piece, which marks the first time Clug – the head of the Slovenian National Ballet Maribor – appears at the Leipzig Ballet, comes from Milko Lazar, one of the most renowned Slovenian composers.”


Vernissage: Bilderkosmos Leipzig (‘Picture cosmos Leipzig’)

Museum der bildenen Künste

February 9, 6pm

The exhibition shows various art pieces about Leipzig from 1905 until now, 2022.

Please bring your FFP2-mask and download the Corona-Warn-App.


1985 – Movie Streaming

Passage Kino

February 23, 8pm

English with German subtitles

Visiting his conservative family in Texas for Christmas, the young and successful advertising agent Adrian Lester struggles with telling them about him being gay. He also wants to talk with them about the possibility that this could be his last visit…



Ideas, inspirations and events in January 2022

Upcycling ideas

Library Leipzig/Gohlis


In cooperation with the district library Leipzig Gohlis the idea of an upcycling workshop emerged. Due to the pandemic an online format was found that provides its viewers with creative ideas on how to upcycle textiles, kitchenware, decorative items etc.


Opera in two acts: Die Zauberflöte (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Opera Leipzig

January 16, 2022 6pm

“This delightful mélange of tragic opera, mysterious magic game, and droll popular theater defies all attempts at classification. Mozart’s last work for the stage is at once a fairy tale and theater for the ages, written in a world on the cusp of historic and social upheaval.”

Internet project based on texts by Franz Kafka,

Schauspiel Leipzig


in German only; 4 episodes

Inspired by video conferences followed by bad reception, image interferences etc., the play connects today’s daily problems with the protagonist of Kafka’s “Schloss”. On his way looking for connections to the residents, K. wanders through a surreal parable. The Internet project by regisseur Philipp Preuss contains four episodes.


Bildquelle: Oper Leipzig;