• Inform the Resident Services Office of your departure
  • Cancel your tenancy agreement in good time (3 full months in advance)
  • Cancel any contracts with electricity, gas and telecommunications providers  (if applicable)
  • Cancel your public transport ticket (LVB, BahnCard 6 weeks in advance) (if applicable)
  • Cancel any subscriptions to newspapers or journals (if applicable)
  • Cancel your membership of any societies, associations, clubs etc. (if applicable)
  • Cancel your child allowance (if applicable)
  • Cancel the food contract for your children at school/kindergarten (if applicable)
  • Inform your insurance companies that you are leaving

Note: If possible, send your deregistration certificate from the Resident Services Office together with any of these cancellations.

If you would like to stay in touch with fellow researchers and your research institution, you are welcome to join our alumni network.

If you would like to give us feedback, please email us. We appreciate any ideas and suggestions for further improving our services.