Picture credits: Öncü Hrant Gültekin, https://www.leipzigertanztheater.de/produktionen/premieren/10-leipziger-tanztheaterwochen-2022



September 23 until October 13


Werk 2 & Schaubühne Leipzig



“The individuals in the midst of the many, the combination of dance and painting, more from less, happiness in sorrow. All of this is dance, all of which is evident at the Leipzig Dance Theater Weeks […].

From September 23 to October 13, 2022, the choreographers and dancers of the Leipzig Dance Theatre will explore the diverse range of topics in and with dance and open up completely new perspectives for their audience. The stages of Werk 2 and the Schaubühne Lindenfels are used. Tickets for the performances are available directly from the venues in advance or at the box office.”


FAIRY TALES FESTIVAL – 31st Festival for Figure, Object and Other Theatre

October 12 until November 12

Theatre festival

Various locations


“The family and holiday program offers a selection of five original fairy tale adaptations based on the Brothers Grimm in unconventional ways. All of the pieces are not aimed at a narrowly defined age group.“

“The FAIRY TALE FESTIVAL invites theater fans of all ages: adult connoisseurs and freaks, groups of children from schools, after-school care centers and day-care centers to the numerous interesting offers in the various venues.“

