Picture credits: Susann Jehnichen – https://www.dok-leipzig.de/volunteering


DOK Leipzig

Movie streaming

October 8 – 15

Various locations


The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film (DOK Leipzig) is the largest German festival for artistic documentary and the oldest one in the world. The programme is very varied, rich and international.


Things That Were Are Things Again

Ongoing exhibition

Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig


Things That Were Are Things Again is an attempt to realise a climate-neutral collection exhibition. Together with artists and designers, we are testing sustainable strategies to reduce the GfZK’s energy consumption and enable recycling processes. The works on display – which include installations, photography, painting, sculpture, video works and interventions in the GfZK garden – bear witness to a careful use of resources and focus on social interaction and a regard for diverse living beings.“


OSTLichter-Stadtteilkulturfestival 2023

District festival

September 1 until October 15

Various events at various locations


The festival is a joint project of the association of the association MÜHLSTRASSE 14 e.V. and the cultural office of the city of Leipzig. The festival reflects the diversity of the east of Leipzig and attracts visitors with a variety of different cultural events in the urban area.

