Picture credits: Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig/Luca Migliore; https://www.mdr.de/kultur/ausstellungen/leipzig-tuebke-kunstkraftwerk-panorama-100.html


Tübke Monumental – ein Hommage an Werner Tübke

Ongoing lightshow/exhibition



“With the Tübke Monumental project, Kunstkraftwerk, as the initiator and organizer, is presenting a completely new approach to one of the most important works of art in figurative painting of the 20th century, the panorama painting “Early Bourgeois Revolution in Germany” by Werner Tübke (1929–2004). For eleven years, between 1976 and 1987, the artist worked from conception to completion on the 14m×123m work, the largest painting in Central Europe. Far away from the art metropolises, this is at home in the Panorama Museum in Bad Frankenhausen.”

The exhibition The Mystery of Bansky – a Genius Mind is displayed as well at Kunstkraftwerk.


Unterm Rock. Reflections on Gender Issues

Ongoing exhibition

Museum der bildenden Künste


mostly in German

“The MdbK […] invites you to new opportunities for participation and dialogue. Together with actors from urban society, the collections, their presentation and mediation should be critically questioned: What attitudes does the museum convey? Who is helping to design the museum? How can the museum’s collection be expanded in terms of its diversity?

The aim of the project is to reflect on traditional ways of representing works of art and, based on this, to enable expanded horizons of knowledge and new experiences.”


Lady Fashion Flea Market

August 7

Flea market

agra Messepark


Various clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, perfumes, decoration – shopping lovers will find something for their own closet for sure! Culinary delicacies prettify the shopping Sunday!


Monument Open Air

August 20

Open air festival

Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig


Various DJs delight their listeners with techno and house music at the pleasant location at the Völkerschlachtdenkmal.

Tickets should be bought in advance.

