The project “Welcome to Leipzig” is a joint project of currently eight Leipzig scientific institutions and the Leipzig City Council with the aim to improve the culture of welcome for international guest scientists and highly qualified employees from all over the world. This has been achieved in five years. In November, the network partners came together in order to discuss new developments and exchange ideas about how to better welcome international guest researchers.

Now the project is to be given a new project sponsor. Reason for the planned handover of the University of Leipzig to the Leipzig Science Network e.V. (LSN e.V.) is the project financing. With the help of the LSN e.V., an attempt is made to consolidate the project

“Since the beginning of the project, we have moved much closer together in the city. It doesn’t just look like it did here at the network meeting in the Moritzbastei, it really is,” explains Dr. Annemone Fabricius. “Everywhere in the city there are people in the authorities and the scientific institutions who have unbelievable know-how regarding the arrival process. Through the project, we have succeeded in networking them. Now we everybody has direct contact persons, direct communication, the integration offer is richer and our knowledge has increased enormously,” continues the head of the Welcome Centre.

